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King Long Longwin Celebrates its Tenth Anniversary


When talking about King Long, Longwin series coaches usually jump to people’s mind. Making their debut in 2007, they have long gained such nicknames as “Star Vehicle” and “State Vehicle” thanks to their awe-inspiring appearances and impressive performances.

King Long Longwin XMQ6129Y Rolled Out in 2007

In response to the fast rising demand for faster and more comfortable travel services, King Long officially rolled out Longwin XMQ6129Y in 2007, which achieves high maneuverability, high safety standards, high fuel economy, high environmental friendliness and high comfort level. The vehicle made a big splash at Busworld Asia Exhibition and won BAAV2007 Bus Award. Just in one year, King Long rolled out Longwin XMQ6140Y, which aimed to suit the long-distance passenger transport market. Not long after, Longwin XMQ6128Y appeared in the market to meet the rising demands for group passenger transport, tourist transport and rental services.

King Long Longwin XMQ6129Y

With an overbearing appearance and a unique K-shaped design, Longwin usually creates a visual shock to people. In addition, it has different power solutions available for its customers, who can choose engines and transmission gearboxes from a number of well-renowned brands according to their preference.

According to King Long, the much-anticipated Longwin II reveal to the public on May 18 this year. It is expected to continue writing its legendary stories after its predecessor.