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King Long Striving to Win the Recognition of Chinese Buses by the Whole World


As the leading enterprise in China’s bus industry, King Long frequently attended auto shows held all over the world and tried to propagate its brand recognition to lay a solid foundation for Chinese buses to stably expand the overseas market.

1、King Long Attended Erbil International Fair

From September 23 to 26, 2013, King Long attended the Ninth Erbil International Fair as the only bus manufacturer from China.

Erbil International Fair, as the largest comprehensive fair in Iraq, involves almost all the economic fields like information communication technology, automobile and consumer electronics. The fair has been successfully held for nine times and received close attention from many European and American commerce, trade and investment fields, with more than 750 European and American exhibitors attending the fair each year.

In recent years, the mini van dealers of King Long have presented a strong appearance in local market in Iraq. Many visitors showed up at the booth of King Long on this fair for consulting various questions, among which there were end consumers, enterprises and the dealers of other vehicle brands.

2、King Long Shining on Australia Bus and Coach Show 2013

From September 25 to 26, the grand biennial Australia bus and coach show 2013 was held in the exhibition hall of Sydney Olympic Park. Taking along two of its overseas boutique models King Long attended the grand show.

The two models exhibited by King Long are respectively the 12m-long school bus XMQ6120AS and the10m-long medium coach XMQ6102K, the former of which is a new model launched in 2013. Having inherited the experience of King Long in designing high-end models for the European market and been designed and developed in accord with the local demands of Australian market, it employs the advanced technologies such as vehicle electrophoresis and monocoque body design as well as the newly optimized skeleton structure, with the purpose of providing the most comfortable riding experience for passengers in Australia.

3、King Long Landed on Birmingham Coach and Bus Live in England

From October 2 to 3, 2013, the annual Coach & Bus Live was held in Birmingham Convention Center,England. King Long brought six of its models to make a magnificent appearance on the live. This is the sixth time in succession for King Long to participate in this live. On the live, two new models, i.e., XMQ6120Cand XMQ6129Y, made their first debut in England.

On the live, the dealers held an unveiling ceremony full of Chinese characteristics for the new bus models, involving lion dance, stilts performance and Chinese food tasting, which rendered a strong Oriental flavor. Besides the two models mentioned above, King Long also exhibited the other vehicle models including XMQ6900, XMQ6127, XMQ6130 and XMQ6127.

Till now, King Long has nine vehicle models being sold in England which basically cover the entire series of large and medium-sized tourist coaches, public transit buses and school buses.

King Long has frequently appeared on the global stage, in order to make itself seen by the whole world. King Long has always been striving to provide superior products and better bus solutions. Meanwhile, King Long will live up to its mission and won more recognition for Chinese buses.