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King Long 18m City Bus Shoulders Heavy Transportation Task Across the Globe


King Long XMQ 6180G, measuring 18-meters in length, boasts unparalleled passenger loading capacity. Thus, it has been winning the hearts of many bus operators and passengers.

Its brand new version has further accentuated its technological element, giving top priority to passengers and drivers. In its architectural design, safety standards and operation efficiency, the bus has gone through a number of radical changes to better suit passengers’ travel needs. At Beijing 2016 Bus & Truck Expo which was held in May, the vehicle won the Best City Bus of the Year. So far, XMQ 6180G has made its way to Xiamen, Yantai, and Changzhou. Moreover, it also went abroad, calling for more citizens adopting a greener lifestyle.

As early as 2005, King Long started its research and development work on vehicles used for BRT. Xiamen, home to the bus maker’s headquarter, now boasts over 100 King Long buses on its BRT. These vehicles have brought tremendous travel convenience for the local people. In December, 2012, 300 units 18-meter King Long BRT vehicles were successfully delivered to Tehran, capital of Iran for operation. With the assistance from King Long, Tehran set up its own BRT system, which has been gaining increasing popularity among the local citizens.

Currently, developing green and convenient public transportation is the top priority for many cities in China. Against such a backdrop , buses with large passenger loading capacity are an ideal choice for urban public transportation.

BRT, also known as bus rapid transit, is becoming increasingly popular in many big cities across the globe. Thanks to its high efficiency, low energy consumption and large passenger loading capacity, it has also become many citizens’ first choice while adopting a low-carbon lifestyle.